About Us

Our Vision


A world free of poverty

A world where everyone has food to eat, where children laugh and playwhere school are open to allwhere family bonds are strongwhere water is readily availablewhere everyone has a fair go.

Our Mission:

To implement empowerment solutions to poverty stricken communities in developing countries.

Charity License


One Dollar Project Inc. (ODP) is a charity licensed with the Western Australian Government (License Number 21184) in accordance with the Charitable Collections Act 1946 (WA). ODP was incorporated as a not-for-profit association on the 26th of July, 2010 by the Western Australian Commissioner for Consumer Protection (Registered Number A1014885U) under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987.

Who we are

ODP was founded in 2010 by a group of professionals from different fields in Perth, Western Australia. The link between each founding member is their community service and work for humanitarian causes overseas. Their history goes back to their university studies when they all met in social clubs and volunteer work.

ODP is the result of collective experience in charitable fundraising, volunteer work, professionalism, and service to humanity.We hope you can help our dream of empowering those in poverty.

Simply, we want to give a hand up, not a hand out.

0% Policy


ODP is a charity that invests in self-sustaining project. We implement this concept of self-sustainability even to the administration and day to day running of the association.

Every association has administrative cost to keep it going and most association assign a certain percentage of their member's donation to cater for these cost. Here at ODP we have a 0% policy which mean every dollar donated by our member is put toward our project and not to any admin cost.

How then do we cater for administrative cost? We have one of two options

1) The Governing Shurah member raise the funds for admin cost among themselves

2) If the cost is substantial and usually these are onetime expenses then we organise a fund raising event such as a BBQ with the sole intention to raise fund from that particular administrative expense.

To see an actual example please see Project 1: QuickBooks Accounting Software

ODP - Changing lives with 1/- dollar per week.